• Introduction of SEMWOF : – 

SEMWOF is Emulsion Fuel Technology, and the only available technology in current market which is multi pollutant controlling technology for internal and external combustion systems.

The Environment – The greenhouse impacts of hydrocarbon fuels consist not only of combustion emissions but also of emissions from the fuel production chain and possible effects on the ecosystem carbon storage. Therefore, the urgent need to reduce human consumption of these combustibles by developing multiple applications of new technologies became more and more obvious. Fossil fuel combustion in compression ignition engines, so fundamental to the worldwide economy, produces NOx CO and PM emissions. Fortunately, there is a technology that reduces both i.e emulsified fuel technology.

Emulsified fuel is an emulsion of oil and combustible liquid, either oil or a fuel. It can contain water in varying proportions from 5% to 30%.

The art of making aqueous fuel emulsions basically relates to three aspects:

  • The specific sequences in which each of the ingredients (or portions thereof) are mixed with the other ingredients (or portions thereof),
  • The specific mechanical mixing procedures of the ingredients, and
  • The specific chemistry of the aqueous fuel emulsifier.

Energenius Technologies Pvt Ltd has developed a patented (Patent No – 291482) holistic solution for manufacturing emulsified fuels The surfactant additive package along with emulsion manufacturing system can cope up with wide range of fuel composition.

  • How SEMWOF  Works: – 
  1. Mode of Action: –

Science assumes that the following takes place in the combustion chamber (presented in a simplified manner). When heat is suddenly added to the combustion chamber, the water core expands as in an explosion. The surrounding fuel drop is torn into countless parts, i.e. even smaller drops, an even finer spray is created in the combustion chamber (the scientific term for this is “secondary micro explosions”). Mixture formation and combustion are more homogeneous, grease and therefore soot formation areas are significantly reduced, the effectiveness of the engine increases slightly, soot emissions sink dramatically.

less efficient conventional combustion

2. Secondary Micro Explosion Phenomenon –

First of all, emulsion fuel enters the cylinder / combustion chamber as normal fuel, then compression occurs which increase the temperature of water bubble, which get blasted and atomizes the fuel. And release the oxy hydrogen gas and then further compression occurs, which burns the fuel and oxy hydrogen gas. Thus the complete combustion takes place without requirement of access air. This leads to low carbon generation, low ash generation and low unburn hydrocarbon emissions from exhaust. Due to this secondary micro explosion the surface area contact between air and fuel is greatly increased, which ultimately results in highest possible air-fuel mixture ratio. It means it burns clean. Due to this clean burning the NOx, CO, particulate matters, unburn hydrocarbons and other emissions are greatly reduced.

Single Emulsion Droplet combustion


SEMWOF Emulsion Fuel Combustion

3. Reducing peak combustion temperatures: –

Higher the combustion temperature means higher the NOx formation as nitrogen gets reacted with oxygen to form oxides of nitrogen. By use of Emulsion Fuel heat is removed from the combustion chamber in the water evaporation process (evaporation enthalpy). This also results in a sinking of the peak temperatures in the combustion chamber. As the formation of nitrogen oxides increases exponentially with the combustion temperature, NOx formation decreases accordingly at a lower peak combustion temperature.


  • Why SEMWOF Emulsion Fuel Technology over existing technology?
  1. Existing Technology of Emulsion fuel: –

The development of water in oil emulsion fuel is been undertaken in various parts of the world due to its known advantage of reduction of overall emission. But there are certain drawbacks in major existing technology as given below:

  • And it is very well-known art of incorporating water in hydrocarbon fuel oil. But currents arts have major disadvantage of losing BTU. For example, in European patent application number EP 475 620 A2 they clearly stated that It is also well-known that debits associated with water and alkanols in diesel fuels include a substantial reduction in Cetane number and a marked ignition delay often requiring engine and/or operating parameter modification such as advanced ignition timing or the installation of glow plugs.
  • Most existing other technologies using surfactant to make this water in oil emulsion stable but major current arts are using Ethylene oxide based surfactants which are carcinogenic, dangerous for environment as well as for Human health.
  • The Existing Emulsion Fuel technology majorly only provides emission reduction and indirect benefits of maintenance reduction but not providing advantage of direct fuel cost reduction a most emulsion fuels when produced become costlier than standard fuels. Also implementing that technology is also costly.


2. SEMWOF Emulsion Fuel Technology: –

We have studied major existing emulsion fuel technology to understand their limits as listed above, we started working on this technology refinement in 2009 and finally we overcome those limits and got required results in 2013 and same year we filed patent for the same which we received patent in 2018 with Patent No – 291482

  • To overcome the issue of losing BTU/power we incorporated micro-nano bubbles of oxy hydrogen gas generated from water itself, as presence of hydrogen which has highest calorific value which helps to overcome BTU loss imparted by addition of water.
  • To overcome issue of ethylene oxide-based ingredients we have total omitted using any of such ingredients or raw material which has ethylene oxide. Most of our ingredients are synthesized from vegetable/agriculture based raw material and readily available in bulk.
  • The biggest issue we solved is we developed such process and technology which ultimately produce emulsion fuel cheaper than its standard base version. This was the major obstacle for implementing this technology commercially.


  • SEMWOF Emulsion Fuel (Diesel) Matches European Emulsion Fuel (Diesel) Standards – 

Initially we had faced lot of problem in testing these fuels as there are no such standards established in India for Emulsion fuel technology so most laboratories and institution denied testing this fuel, so finally we approached third party lab to test these fuels against already established standards i.e. European Emulsion Fuel standard CWA15145:2004 and we found our emulsion fuel matching their required standards. Please find the following table to understand more.

Sr. NoSpecificationUnitsNormal Diesel Test ResultSEMWOF Emulsion Fuel Test ResultCWA 15145:2005 standard value
Grade AGrade B
1Kinematic Viscosity @ 40°Cmm2/sec1.94153762.55791082.0 – 5.52.0 – 5.5
2Flash Point°C 49 567070
3Water Content% by massNIL88 to 155 to 8
4Density @ 15°Ckg/m3829846828 to 880825 to 865
5Stability at Production (4200 rcf after 5 minutes) Sedimentsmg/100mlNIL79 MAX7 MAX
6Sulphur Content% by mass0.00420.0034
7Copper Strip Corrosion For 3 Hrs.@ 50°C1a1a11
8Free Water% by Vol.NILNILAbsentAbsent
9Total contaminationmg/kgNILNIL24 Max24 Max
10Total nitrate (2-ethyl-hexyl-nitrate) EHN% by Vol. Min0.05 Min